Furries of Fresno State

What is FFS?

Furries of Fresno State is a club that creates a safe space for those who are in (or interested in) the furry fandom to connect and participate in the hobby by creating art, fursuiting, and discussing furry media. By providing a place to participate in the fandom, FFS helps furries at Fresno State to create friendships that will last beyond their time at school.

How do I join?

Furries of Fresno State is open to all Fresno State Students who are furries, or are curious about becoming one! All you need to bring are good vibes. You can find more information about our in-person meetings on the Meeting Times page.

If you want to join our discord (which is where we are most active), please fill out the form below. We will get back to you within a day or two. Additionally, you can find links to all of our social medias at the bottom of the website.  We hope to see you there!

Reach out to us with any other questions at fresnostatefurs@gmail.com !